Thursday 28 June 2012

Mr. and Mrs. WTE

Finally managed to record the wing tags on the female White-tailed Eagle out in Roundstone Bog while out looking for Merlin yesterday evening. They were just sitting out on very small rocky outcrop some distance from the nearest lough. The female dwarfed the male in size and was far less advanced plumage-wise compared to the male. Apparently she is supposed to be the same age of the male which is really amazing. I would have expected a fourth calendar bird to be far advanced than this. Unfortunately a stampede of Sheep spooked them before I could get any closer.

Female and male Star White-tailed Eagles

Mantle feather dropped by the female.

Common Sandpiper, Roundstone Bog

Quite a pale billed bird.

The rest of the shots are from down near Moyrus, Carna and Cleggan taken this week.

Little Tern, near Carna.

Sandwich Tern, near Carna.

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