Sunday, 7 February 2016

Connemara Coastline winter of 2015/2016.

A completely bird free post today. Just a few random shots mostly landscape shots taken over the last two months with undertaking NEWS counts. I covered a lot of coastline that I've never walked before so it was good to familiarise myself with these areas. Captions under each photo below.

Bronze Age Standing Stone Streamstown Bay

Sunset at Creggoduff beach.

Tree stumps uncovered by the sea which have been lying there before the formation of blanket bog. These tree stumps are at least 2,000 years old being preserved in the peaty soil. By the way trying to transverse this sort of coastline was a right pain to say the least.

Seaweed covered rocky shoreline interspersed sand and mud. Seaweed harvesting on shoreline like this is still relatively common.

Remains of an old coast road running between the new castle (in the distance) and the old castle at Bunowen, Ballyconneely. Doesn't appear on the old 6 inch or 25 inch maps never mind the current Ordnance Survey Maps.

All that remains of the old Bunowen Castle which dates back to the 16th century.

Small building on a small little islet just offshore at Canower, Rosroe.

Coral and shell remains that make up the substrate of the aptly named Coral Beach, Ballyconneely.

The Watcher's Cottage at Canower, Rosroe. An amazing location for a summer cottage. The only access into the house for at least half a mile is a rough footpath on the right here.

(Holy?) Well at Canower, again not marked on any maps.

Chough nest poking out from ceiling boards. A common nest location for Chough here.

The Chough Cottage which has seen better days!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures. You wonder how many more summers of cold seas and rain like 2015 are needed before the process of blanket bog formation ramps up again?
